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Texas to legalize guns on campus

Texas Gun MapThere is much ado down here in Dumbutt to get college students, college professors, college janitors and people visiting colleges to pack heat. There is also the coming vote on getting rid of the "conceal" part of all this. Though the fun of waving guns around in bars and church and duels in the street will not be as easy to get done as moving thousands of guns into dorms and fraternity houses.

Growing out of the Virginia Tech massacre and following the Supreme Court’s free for all on guns, this is a shoe in here in Texas.  Though in the aftermath of Virginia Tech 17 states tried to advance the same legislation only 2 have the laws passed and are still pending enactment. Only one State,  Utah, has legislated guns on campus. Mormons may be crazy but they are well armed. 

At first glance one may think this is just about fear overriding common sense as college campuses have very high levels of drunkenness, drug use, suicide rates and adolescent stupidity. But there is no cause to worry. This has been all taken care of as the students are required to pass a concealed carry course. The course was taken and reported upon by Houston Chronicle reporter Janet Elliott who chronicled her experience in which the instructor told those in his class that they should not drink alcohol when carrying a gun, or wave it around in a threatening manner, and not to pull it out when angry at someone! So as that is the case, there is nothing to worry about. Learning to conceal and carry 

While the rest of the civilized world has been working to reduce violence and create hope through reform and social programs, we in America find the solution to be more and larger prisons, longer sentences, expanding executions, and evermore people buying and carrying bigger and better guns.

I sometimes wonder if this attitude, which can also be related to war, could be the single biggest problem Americans have in failing to grow up and become civilized.