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The color has been sucked out of our lives

How the color get's sucked out of our lives

I doubt there is any better picture than this recent G20 meeting to make the point on how color has been sucked out of our lives, hear, here to the ladies.

This has become a personal matter to me, but first let’s run through it generally.

Dress code: Men have only one option to add any color to their lives, a tie.

Cars: Next time at a stop sign gaze around and count how many cars you see that are not silver, grey, black or white. I have found it’s usually about 20 to 1, and the one is red. There are some blue ones but they are hard do differentiate from blacks ones. We got a new car lately, it is black inside and out, like a goth mobile, I have to take Prosac just to get in it it’s so depressing.

Buildings: All around the world buildings and roofs on buildings are many colors of the rainbow, but not here.  Offices are all white or silver or metallic. Homes, don’t get me started, the homeowners rules limit color to brown, tan, brown, white, brown… Hold it, let me go out and look down the street… I forgot rusty reddish brick.

Interior Decorating: And here it gets personal. All color has been sucked out of my life. Not only is everything I see tan, mocha, espresso or black, but all the paintings have been removed and replaced by black wrought iron geometric shapes. The only color at all are the edges of two red books and a green one in the bookcase. And if anyone around here reads this, they will soon be toast. Who is to blame for this is not even arguable,  HGTV, the home improvement channel for women. Who sell brown, tan, grey and black paint and slippery floors.

The only color I ever get to enjoy is in the back yard, at a rock concert, or traveling through an African American or Mexican community, and of course ON the ladies.