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Video Olbermann Sex in Space, will NASA get freaky in zero gravity

When asked, a NASA commander claimed that present day astronauts view one another with a high level of professionalism (and perhaps thick padded suits) which preclude the very thought of getting freaky in space, the
Discovery Channel is more practical. After all, we are the species which created the mile high club. Astronauts are human after all.

Using imagination and computer graphics, the Discovery Channel people who think about these things have worked out
the details of zero gravity sex, an issue certain to be raised in proposed, lengthy missions to Mars, for example. While the methods shown here lack a certain ambiance, they do take on a zero gravity bondage-like theme for the sake of practicality. Realistically, the ages-old irresistible pull will need a technical assist to overcome the counter-pull of anti-gravity! Privacy could be a problem in U.S. made ships, an opportunity in which American ‘reality show’ producers are certain to see the possibilities.