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15 Banned Cartoons Includes Family Guy & Sarah Palin

15 Controversially Banned Cartoons Includes Family Guy & Sarah Palin

Danger Dolan has compiled fifteen of your favorite banned  cartoons of all time! Some of them had to have offensive lines edited out  before they could be viewed, while others were blamed with traumatizing kids across the world. Some of our favorites got by with a mere warning or a demand to shelve one show, yet others were banned forever because of their controversial content. They will all run in order with the exception of one of my favorites, which I’ll pull out of the line-up early, it’s just that wonderful!

The Family Guy episode “Sarah Palin” was banned after one showing, because of loud, butt hurt complaints from one Alaska native.   In this episode, Chris becomes smittin with a girl who happens to have Down Syndrome. The new girlfriend comes home to meet the family, and explains that her father is an accountant,and her mother is the governor of Alaska, which implies her mother is Sarah Palin, who also happens to have a child with Down syndrome. I might add, the girl is very nice and bright. Any parent would be proud of her. This makes her stand out like a rosebud amid thistles in the Griffin family.

Although her name was never mentioned, Sarah Palin did not see the humor in the piece. As expected,  Palin took to Facebook immediately to tell everyone how hurt and upset she was by that damned liberal cartoon.
The actress who did the voice of Chris’s girlfriend actually has Down syndrome…A fact Palin obviously was unaware of then, and she’s probably just as clueless now.
The actress’s reaction to Palin’s histrionics was to say “Sarah Palin doesn’t have a sense of humor.” She added that her parents raised her to have one. The actress astutely continued, “At least my own mother didn’t parade me around like a loaf of bread looking for sympathy and votes.”  There is clearly nothing wrong with this young woman’s  thinking.

Other cartoons which met with editorial problems include

:Family Guy: (again) “Abortion” For a show which seems to aim to be offensive, they handled this topic better than most programs where the main character has a full three digit IQ…Yet it was banned.  Surprised?

“Spongebob: – A religious group claims SB is ‘too cheerful’ and must be gay..And banned.  You can always tell by their jolly moods.


Pokemon: It nearly decimated a generation, according to reports.

Ren & Stimpy: “Man’s Best Friend”, If you ever wondered where your Ren and Stimpy fix went – this is the episode that sealed their fate!

Speedy Gonzales: You can guess why it was banned, but a surprising group lobbied to get it back.

Dexter’s Laboratory: “Silver Spooner”,
.The Simpsons: “Cartridge Family”, America exports guns and fear.
Cow & Chicken: “Buffalo Gals” Lesbian overtones.

Beavis and Butthead: “Comedians”  Kids take cartoons to real life, and they picked this one?

Popetown: It’s likely that you haven’t seen this one, nor has anyone else. The Vatican has a long reach!

Pokemon: “Beauty and the Beach”,

Tiny Toon” “One Beer”, One episode banned, when Daffy, Bugs & Porky drink ONE beer. The rest is too terrible to ponder!

Song of the South: We hear a lot of the songs to this day, but the cartoon paradise of happy slaves and kind plantation owners, made in 1947 is extremely racist!