Danger Dolan has created a standard by which you can measure your worst job ever, in this video which looks at rotten jobs from days of yore to the present day. If your job still measures down on the level of some of these, I’d very much like to hear about it. So if your slave-driving foreman will allow you to write a few words, please share your occupation with us.
Can you tell which of the occupations below are from the dim dark past, and which of them are still occupations today? Granted, Roman Vomit Collector is an easy one. How about Wool Cleaner (in the traditional method), Gold Farmer, Sin Eater, Leach Collector, Spit Boy, Knocker Up, Pusher (the subway variety), Body Snatcher, Church Dog Whipper, Plague Body Collector, Snake Milker, Self Defaced Beggar, Sewer Recycling Expert – and finally, the prestigious occupation… Groom of the Royal Stool?