It’s okay, it’s okay, the gun fell out of the boys pocket in the cafeteria and went off sending floor shrapnel into the legs of the boy and two other 6 year olds. No big thing at all. In fact all three were happily playing video games in the hospital that very evening! Had the boy been given a proper holster this never would have happened.
Notice the Houston Chronicle article has no mention of gun controls, our Texas gun culture, the NRA, or availability of guns in our society. Child, 6, brings gun to school
In the morning just before this happened, the Texas Legislature with Republicans out numbering Democrats 2 to 1 [giving them a super majority to pass any crazyass thing they wish] had the GUNS EVERYWHERE bill successfully come out of committee with a vote expected to pass any day now.
Guns in bars, major sporting events and rock concerts (where beers come in 40 ounce cups and tequila is a big seller) and of course college bars, college dorms, college classrooms, and all places that serve massive amounts of alcohol.
I wonder how this effects the parking lots of Men’s clubs? Or hockey games? Will the players have guns too to make the fights more fun? Fans will be able to join in with laser sites on 9mm. Those keg parties at the frat house will be lots more fun. And of course standing up when The Stones play Satisfaction will no longer result in screams of SIT DOWN, DOWN IN FRONT but semi automatic weapon fire.
Even with this case the new laws should improve things. For if kindergarten teachers and other 6 year olds also had guns… Hmm… Well logic, reason and common sense are not part of the Texas Gun Culture… Or to be fair, the AMERICAN gun culture.