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7 Wild & Weird U.S. Presidential Acts & Mayhem BuzzFeed Video

7 Wild & Weird U.S. Presidential Acts & Mayhem BuzzFeed Video

BuzzFeed Video originally titled this collection, “The 7 Most Unpresidential Things Done By U.S. Presidents.” Not so! These antics aren’t unpresidential, so much as wonderfully weird and human. This collection of presidential folly should be treasured. While it’s largely humorous, it’s not because the antics are idiotic. I guess I’m thinking of Republican Primaries I have known. Instead, these antics are wickedly giggle worthy, with the exception of a couple of serious stories.One of which proves that President Polk had the biggest ‘Stones’ ever, and that is undisputed. I think you’ll agree once you see what he endured and lived.  Another serious tale involves Grover Cleveland, who worked his way to the top the hard way. No one can say that Cleveland didn’t have a good idea of what it was like to have one’s head on the chopping block.

On the lighter side, you’ll want to get your parrot now and start training if you want to have a lively and unforgettable funeral like pre-planning genius Andrew Jackson!  What a wedding planner he would have been.

I’ll only give this one away.  It would be extremely satisfying to see certain uncooperative politicians removed, just as James Monroe chased William Crawford, the secretary of Treasury, out of the White House with a pair of fire tongs.
Good times!