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Texas Gov Rick Perry Makes Rush Limbaugh an Official Texan!

Too many have taken this CPAC video and dubbed over the audio and video to make it funny. NO! The original unedited version of this is what defines Rush Limbaugh even better than his jiggling chair dance making fun of Michael J. Fox’s Parkinson’s Disease a few years back. This says it all. In just the first two minutes of this is all you need to understand just what a corpulent, pompous, egoistical a whole Rush Limbaugh is. And that’s before getting to his bigoted, intolerant, dishonest and self absorbed Right-wing politics. Rush chanting "Rush! Rush! Rush!" I doubt anyone, anywhere in anytime has ever gone that far over the top into themselves.


Rush Limbaugh came to Houston Tuesday night to help with a fund raiser for Texas Taliban Congressman Michael McCaul, helping raise $175,000 for the upcoming 2010 election. Governor Rick Perry was one of the 200 who attended at Susan Krohn’s home in River Oaks where he presented Mr. Limbaugh with full Texan honorary citizen papers. Also in attendance was family values advocate Senator David Vitter who came over from neighboring Louisiana. It is not known if chose not bring any prostitutes or just had them wait in the car.

Thursday Limbaugh update: Today Rush Limbaugh compared President Obama to al Qaeda! I am not sure that is a step up or down from Limbaugh calling the President a Nazi, a racist, a Marxist, a communist or a socialist…