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Stephen Colbert goes Olympic Curling, and me

This one got me into the Way Back Machine. Here I am pictured in my high school class picture. As you can see, I only needed one thing to be happy, curling!

You may laugh but…

What a sport for a high school kid! It was coed, two boys and two girls on each team of four. I think we had 5 teams. It went from late October to late March. The adult sponsors were usually drunk and had lots of alcohol laying around their homes and in the party room bars at the rinks. Most every weekend we would go on a Bonspiel to some faraway town in Wisconsin, we would stay at the homes of participating adults who were usually not present or passed out. Is it necessary to go into any more depth as to the attraction of curling, the greatest upNorte sport in the world?

Especially compared to being on the football team getting the crap pounded out of you on a muddy field and then showering with the guys.