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Adam Sandler and Paul Shaffer sing Hallelujah, Sandy Screw Ya at New York 12 12 12 benefit concert

The lyrics…

adam sandler sings SANDY SCREW YA

The terror of the hurricane / The unforgiving wind and rain / New York, the world held its breath as the storm took it to you / But you’ve been knocked down in the past / Taking shots they thought would last / But you always get right up shouting ‘Hallelujah!’ / Hallelujah / Sandy, screw ya / We’ll get through ya / ‘Cause we’re New Yorkers.

New York, you dealt with crap before / Like squeegee man and tunnel whores / And restaurants delivery biking right through ya / The puke on your stoops every Sunday morn’ / Times Square losing all its prom / Original Ray’s pizza closing to ya / But Hallelujah / Sandy, screw ya / We’ll get through ya / ‘Cause we’re New Yorkers.
Cause we believe this too shall pass / Like when Sanchez fumbled into an ass / During the playoffs, A-Rod telling girls in the crowd ‘I wanna do ya’ / The Mets have sucked since ’86 / Isaiah tried to ruin the Knicks / But now Jason Kidd and the boys can freakin’ school ya / Hallelujah / Sandy, screw ya / We’ll get through ya / ‘Cause we’re New Yorkers.

The bed bug scare of 2010 / The Lohans getting busted again and again / The lady who said she was a man right after she blew ya (sorry that was just me!) / Trump’s combover always making us sick/ The congressmen who tweeted his dick / The mayor’s ban on 32-ounce Mountain Dew-ya / Hallelujah / Sandy, screw ya / We’ll get through ya / ‘Cause we’re New Yorkers.

And Jersey, you’ve taken your share of hits / The Situation always showing his breasts / And Turnpike exit 13 stinkin’ like poo-ya / You lost the Nets and now they’re good / But we’re still the Hudson brotherhood / Together we’ll give Sandy a big ‘fungool’-ya / Hallelujah / Connecticut too-ya! / We’ll get through ya! / ‘Cause we’re New Yorkers!