BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we strongly insist our state representatives work to uphold Wisconsin’s 10th Amendment rights, and our right to secede, passing legislation affirming this to the US Federal Government.” Wisconsin Republican Party resolution up for vote.
I was wondering what Jeb Bush was doing back in 2011. Seems he grew a beard an was an angry white man while his brother was painting
in the bathroom. A very artistic family indeed.
I bet this trailer is better than the movie. I guess it is out and about this week because it makes Jeb look more like a Mike Huckabee sort than an illegal alien lover and advocate of that edumacation crap.
What with the recent legislation to secede from the Union now coming up for a vote in Wisconsin it’s hard to know if these guys are from Macon or Oshkosh.
The South gets a bad rap when it comes to getting out the guns when drunk and peeing in the kitchen when the same Republican family values are pervasive everywhere in America where there are more cows, pigs, chickens and bears at the dump than there are people. The problem could very well be the smell of manure in the morning.