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Atheists: most disliked minority in America

atheists will think for you

Hey this is good news for African Americans, Gays and Muslims! Americans dislike atheists most. Even more than ISIS it seems. Creeping atheism from the more rational areas of the planet has now upped our atheist population to a staggering 1.6%. OMG!

But the impetus for this article came for the latest issue of TIME magazine where I found this disturbing statistic:

0.07% of Americans in prison are atheists.

That is almost one tenth of one percent! Which would mean 16 times more or less something or other! I leave it up to you to put that together.

As a God Fearing nation we are in good company with populations who describe themselves as “religious”:

Ghana (96%)
Nigeria (93%)
Armenia (92%)
Fiji 92%
Macedonia (90%)
Romania (89%)
Iraq (88%)
Kenya (88%)
Peru (86%)
Brazil (85%)
America (83% – 78% Christian 5% other religion)

That makes Americans more religious than:

Saudi Arabia

Oh, I have another very unpopular fact…

ISIS beheading victim suffered 7 seconds.
State of Georgia execution victim suffered 2 hours and 24 minutes.