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Aziz Ansari to Geraldo: “F*ck You,” see old ‘Baywatch’ clip with nerdy Geraldo! CONAN

Aziz Ansari had a couple of words for Geraldo after the latter’s Hoodie commentary where he blamed Trayvon Martin for getting himself killed due to a poor fashion decision.

Aziz had merely Tweeted an x-rated ‘suggestion Geraldo, which would have gone no further, but for the eagle eyed reporter who saw the two word tweet and spread it far and wide as if he had a major feud on his hands. In the off-chance that he does have a major feud going now, Aziz and Conan share a clip from the ‘Baywatch’ archives, where Geraldo makes his acting debut. He hasn’t looked as good since the infamous Al Capone’s vault expedition.