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Bangladesh garment factories now moving to Texas, Bagley cartoon

bangladesh texas

Background checks for assault rifles in Texas? You are joking, even having 250 tons of Timothy McVeigh fertilizer goes unreported, unchecked and regulation free.

China is in trouble for putting lead in the paint they use in children’s toys. Come to Texas! We can put crude in the baby food! Ted Cruz for President!  In fact, if I ain’t mistaken, I think Ted Cruz may just be the clown replacement for Rick Perry in the 2016 Republican Primaries. Remember how mud dumb stupid the Texas Governor came off in the Republican Presidential primaries? Making Michele Bachmann look like a genius? His polls went up in Texas. Last election he beat Kay Bailey Hutchinson – a smart person – by 20 points in the GOP primaries. By even more than he beat the Democrat in the General Election

What is it that makes Perry so popular in Texas? Two things really do it well from him, vetoing a law to stop executing the mentally retarded and shooting a coyote while jogging. We once had bounties on Indians and Mexicans down here in the Texas killing fields. In fact, here in Texas if you can lure someone you don’t care for onto your property you can kill them without even being indicted. Well if there are no first hand witnesses. So do look around first. Nighttime is good.

Speaking of Texas morons, since his retirement Texas Congressman Ron Paul has been out and about advocating creation science, intelligent design, the lie of evolution and destruction of public education with private school vouchers.  The Religious Right’s only hope is to get control of our children from pre school to high school is vouchers.

I wonder, they say that the Hispanic demography is going to move Texas into the blue in less than a generation. Trust me, white Texans will not go gently into the night.