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Ben Carson, Token African-American 2016 Republican President Candidate

ben carsonSo who is in line for the 2016 Republican presidential primaries to replace Alan Keyes and Herman Cain as the token GOP African American Right-wing lunatic?

Well there is little doubt that it will be Tea Party favorite Dr Ben Carson who recently quit being a neurosurgeon to become a full time Right-wing lunatic.

Last week in a radio interview, African American commentator Roland Martin and Ben Carson had this exchange.

Ben Carson: “Obamacare is the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery.”

Roland Martin: “What about the Jim Crow laws which denied African Americans equal education, public access and the right to vote? Did you go too far?”

Ben Carson: “That’s my opinion. First of all, I recognize that slavery was a horrible thing. I realize how horrible it was. I didn’t say this is as bad as slavery, I said this is the worst thing since slavery.”

Roland Martin “Which includes Jim Crow?”

Ben Carson: “Yes, absolutely.”

But it was not until the end of the interview that the bottom line in all this Republican angst was made clear by Dr Carson.

“This is only the beginning, What you will see is that a lot of the insurance companies will begin to fold. Ultimately we will have a single-payer system if we don’t stop this from happening.”

And there you have it. The greatest fear of Republicans is that we will join the rest of the civilized world and give every poor soul at least a minimum of health care insurance.

First of all Obamacare makes more money for insurance companies by giving them 40 million more customers. The math is clear.

Secondly, only Great Britain and Canada have GOVERNMENT RUN single payer systems. The rest of the civilized world works through private insurance companies who run the basic health insurance plans as non profit. They are still in business making good profit with supplemental plans. What Republicans mean by GOVERNMENT RUN, is the MANDATE that everyone pays [which was their own idea until a Black guy won the White House.] The math is clear on that too. When EVERYONE PAYS the cost of health care goes down about 50% and the results go up substantially.