ISIS welcomes fellow fundamentalist and America’s Best Christian Betty Bowers, who notes that American Conservative Christians share much common ground with her ISIS hosts.
Addressing The Real Housewives of ISIS’ Betty points out that one thing both groups have in common is ” a passion for imposing our faith on others.”
We are really more alike than we differ. Says Betty, “You call if a caliphate, we call it no separation between church and state.” Betty bemoans the pesky constitution that allows people to choose a religion or even no religion. Until the day the Founding Father’s vision of a Christian America comes to fruition, we do have religious freedom, which in part, is ‘a license to insult non-believers’ and place restrictions on their freedom in the name of God and Country. As a ‘for instance’ Betty tells The Girls;,“YES we’re both pro-life! In the sense that we’re both pros at controlling the lives of others.”
Betty opines; “By repackaging prejudice as liberty, religious freedom is a magical backdoor to that happier time before Civil Rights. Or in YOUR case, The Enlightenment. Because it’s not prejudice if you call it religion.”
“If I discriminate against or criticize you, it’s called religious freedom, if you return the favor – it’s called persecution.”
Deven Green who plays Betty Bowers is sparkling and on point in this extremely witty and on point comparison of religious fundamentalism between two groups who believe they could not be more different…And in truth, are divided only by fashion. Okay, fashion and a constitution, for now.