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Bill Maher Monologue, Build a wall around Josh Duggar, August 21 2015

bill maher monologueAfter Josh Duggar destroyed his family and their money cow reality show for twiddling little girls including his sisters, we now find that he had two accounts at the cheating site Ashley Madison, one cheating on his wife and one cheating on who he is cheating with. We also learn that the state which does the most cheating is Alabama, were marriage is so sacred gays cannot participate in it.

Oh to be an Evangelical Christian where you can make millions preaching morality to others while you are a child molesting adulterer. And all you have to do is pray to Jesus and all is well.

Jesus loves you no matter what you do except if you kill yourself. What a good deal that is hey! Cancer eating our eyeballs and brain as you scream with a feeding tube in a bed for years on end, Jesus likes that too. Along with executions, slapping kids around, guns and rich people, but he don’t Mexicans. They have to go!  Especially in Alabama.