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Bill Maher Monologue, Russia Olympics and George Zimmerman, Feb 7 2014

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bill maher monologueMost of the monologue is about thugs from Russian and Florida. So how much is Georgie Porgie gonna make to let some black guy pound the crap out of him?  And is it the right thing to do?  Shouldn’t some black guy get to pound the crap our of George ZImmerman without paying him for it? Is it wrong for me to pay to see George ZImmerman get the crap pounded out of him? Well as George said so well about killing Trayvon Martin, “It’s God’s plan.”

The faces of the American Gun Culture has the new face of George Zimmerman to go along with Timothy McVeigh, Ted Nugent, Wayne LaPierre.  Ugly is as ugly does.

We have 30 times as many guns as the Russians. In Russia extensive background checks are needed to buy a gun, semi-automatic weapons are against the law, and over 80% of Russians do not want to change such. Of the 4 million or so guns in Russia, 3 million of them are single shot, double barrel or pump shotguns. In Russia they kill each by drinking vodka and hitting each other with tire irons.