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Bill O’Reilly Terrified! Beyonce’s New Monster Movie Trailer

 Bill O'Reilly Terrified & Aroused!  Beyonce's New Monster Movie Trailer

Beyonce is big and she’s angry, and as Bill O’Reilly predicted – the world is doomed! This fantastic (and hilarious) movie trailer Based on “Godzilla,” “BEYONCE 2014 the official trailer” is the stuff of confusing and horrified wet dreams for the FOX News pundit.  It’s doomsday, and as the sexy diva walks through the carnage of a world in its death throes. The damage has more to do with the Illuminati than with teen pregnancy as Bill O’Reilly has doggedly insisted it would be.

Loofah this big beautiful doll, Bill!  O’Reilly has long had it in for Beyonce. Several factors are undoubtedly at work. He recently complained that she didn’t belong on the  “100 Most Influential People” list (of which Stephen Colbert is also listed) – but O’Reilly’s name is missing…Can you feel the burn?

In an appearance on Letterman in March, O’Reilly thought he’d find a sympathetic ear.  Letterman didn’t agree that it was Beyonce’s fault that teens are getting pregnant, nor is it her job to be a role model.  Letterman scored big points when O’Reilly, feeling his support slipping, spouted   “Some of these thugs that’s all they can do.”
Dave halted the hatefest, saying; “You can’t just go calling people Thugs,  your pal Justin Beiber probably guilty of the same thing.”

When O’Reilly started to wax nostalgic about the good old days when music carried a wholesome message, Dave snapped him back to reality. Dave also pointed out that old farts have been complaining about music for over 40 years.
In what O’Reilly considers to be the golden years of Motown, Dave reminded him that the Rolling Stones weren’t allowed to sing “Let’s Spend the Night Together” on the Ed Sullivan Show…Substituting “Let’s Spend Some Time Together,” in the same way many artists were asked to change their lyrics.

O’Reilly complains that Beyonce has enough money that she doesn’t have to ‘set a bad example’ for teens whose out of wedlock births are sky high. We can only guess as to why O’Reilly has selected Beyonce of all of the female singers who should set herself up to be a role model,  but his continual ranting suggests that he has problems of a more complex nature.
Should Beyonce sing only from a hymnal, wearing a long calico dress?  No doubt it would make O’Reilly sleep easier.
Single parenthood is a complex issue with far more facets than Beyonce’s videos.. Perhaps O’Reily’s influence would be better used in a realistic examination of them. Poverty, lack of education and family instability are much greater influences than Beyonce’s videos.  Methinks O’Reilly  protests far too much, and watches her videos far more than most teen fans…It’s just a guess, much like his statistics  but more accurate.