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Brit Hume, American freedom from Health care

Brit hume obamacareEvery so often the Right happens upon the salient point of things. A few weeks ago, Freedom Works CEO and father of the Tea Party Matt Kibbe wrapped Republican ideology up into just a few words.

“Why should I have to pay taxes to support someone I don’t know?” 

And yesterday the always happy go lucky  and funster Right-wing Fox News senior anualyst Brit Hume expressed the same sentiment by also getting the ideology down to the basics.

“If they’re (young people) not willing to pay for it (health insurance), it may well be that being free people, they felt free to make that choice.”

You see, FREE PEOPLE do not care a wit about each other (altruism), society (socialism) or the greater good (communism). They only care about themselves, primarily their back pocket. As Jesus instructed.

And of course FREE PEOPLE do not include gays or women. I guess these are the things that make us so EXCEPTIONAL.

One also has to understand that Mr. Funhouse is telling the rest of the civilized world that they are not FREE PEOPLE. After all, free people could care less about anyone but themselves.

I suppose the proper word for Republican ideology would be “Decivilization.” We need a band with flower pots on their heads called DECIV.

And hey, what a treat Fox News Sunday has become! People do not get any more sour dour than Brit Hume or George Will. Put them together for an hour every week is more fun than a gun in a crib. If either one were to ever smile, or God forbid laugh, their faces would crack and fall off.