When Tim Tebow signed with the Patriots, he couldn’t possibly leave the controversy behind him. Tebowie – who resembles both David Bowie and Jimmy…
Snitches get stitches and worse! We called them “Squealers” in my day. Some get kissed by Italian men. Some got a flower stuck in their…
Statue of Liberty is no American. Damn Foreigner! And from France! And green like a frog! From a country with universal health care instead of…
We’re number one! We’re Number one! We’re number one! Put the ladies in burkas. Segregate the ladies into Amazon Squads who all carry lock cutters.…
A reminder. We already had this Bill O’Reilly scenario play out some years back WITHOUT any information from the NSA. Louisiana Republican Senator David Vitter…
Damn foreigners! We have to listen in to find out who they are what with all the funny sounding names Americans are now using. Oliver. …
Oh, the pain! It’s always bad when you break up with someone, and much worse – of course, when you are the one receiving the…
“You are the worst person I have ever interviewed.” Says British Sunday Morning TV Host to Alex Jones as he does the LOST HIS MARBLES…
The eleven stages of getting fit and fabulous from gluttony and demotivation to acceptance are like Kubler Ross’s, famous stages of grief, & just…
More art news, you culture vultures! Metal artist David Smith and his nine foot tall gargoyle statue have fired up those who often say “I…
Yesterday we looked at a’ Sad Dog Diary.’ Naturally today we give equal time to his counterpart in the world of domestic pets, the cat.…
[jwplayer file=”https://rackjite.com/videos/mp4s/mahermono672013.mp4″ image=”https://rackjite.com/videos/mp4s/mahermono.jpg”] Getting cancer from going down is what we expect to hear from Michele Bachmann not Michale Douglas… Bill Maher made a good…
Jon Stewart leave of absence from the Daily Show to make the movie from the book THEN THEY CAME FOR ME by Iranian journalist Mazier…
OMG! Ayn Rand is alive and well at the WSJ! Michele Bachmann gone but ithin a week we find a crazier lady on the Editorial…
I like it when the funny transcends the politics! If only all of it was this good. And the question arises, is there any species…