‘Game of Thrones’ is red hot, but Jimmy Fallon’s parody, ‘Game of Desks’ is just as hot and decidedly hilarious! Fallon teased social media followers…
No laughing! That is a Tea Party rule. Or come to think of it, a Republican thing. Having YOUR tax money going to people you…
BTW, the oral sex one makes one hellovalotta people SODOMITES.
The question arises, can watching Michael Douglas kissing Matt Damon in the movie Behind the Candelabra make you gay? Or an even heavier question… The…
Described as ‘a musical wake-up call for high school graduates. Right now I’ll bet you’re thinking ‘good-bye to early classes and mom’s nagging and… Hello…
In Episode 1, of what we hope will be an enduring series, Matthew Clarke introduces the zany “Convos With My Two-Year-Old Daughter.” Wait! If you’re…
Whether you’re a knowledge junkie, a trivia-buff or are simply burdened with a brilliant and insatiable mind, you’ll find something interesting here today. John Green’s…
Nooney Tunes Peggy Noonan. Wow, what a maroon! Where’s Bugs? And what great imitation Jon Stewart does of this Looney Nooney. And she is not…
Bill O’Reilly is a jerk. And here we see him being a jerk. No matter what he tries, humor, satire, sacrasm he still comes off…
Ha! From Weiner’s wiener to Tony’s Tush! Why is it you think that South Carolina Republicans will forgive Mark Sanford for wholesale adultery and lying…
Jimmy Kimmel’s Lie Witness News Crew is live on Hollywood Boulevard,taking the pulse of the public at large. Asked improbable and clearly false questions about…
Well, this is the kicker Daily Show video of the year so far! Don’t miss this one. It is also a basic cable milestone, the…
So with that said, I am off to the beach to get stoned and lay in the Sun. Marijuana is diet food? How cool. And…
In this extensive, fresh roasted cup of news from this week, there is something for everyone who has had it up to ‘here’ with Benghazi-Gate…
The Goo Blob, gooblob… I would like the Szechuan duck with gooblob and rice please. Seems the streets in China are if anything, level. But…