You’ve heard much of the legendary Bigfoot,and read of the fearsome Cupacabra. Both of these mysterious creatures are said to be somewhat shy of people.…
This week Jimmy expresses a truth about “Call of Duty Black Ops” and how the game encourages a similarity between himself and General Petraeus!…
Bimbo Call! Who is the best of the Bimbos? Paula Jones? Gennifer Flowers? Monica Lewinsky? Jill Kelley? Paula Broadwell? Margret Thatcher? Barbara Bush? Michele Bachmann? …
If you have command, from a Captain of a company to the President of the United States responsible for all the men in your command,…
Wolf Blitzer reminds me of Mitt Romney. Mitt Romney if you will remember, ran for President and lost because he was so… Golly Gee Willakers,…
I suppose this puts Christie in an even worse position with the GOP than he already suffers. Which should ensure his re-election come next year. …
Slavery, Genocide, reservations and now this! It’s about time American Indians began rounding up all the illegal immigrants and send them packing back to Europe.
[jwplayer file=”″ image=””] Jill Kelley and her sister are Gypsies! Which makes me wonder, are the Kardashian sisters Gypsies too? Also glad Maher made a…
The liberal media just will not shut up about vaginas these days! Susie is glad the GOP is reining them in – the vaginas, not…
It’s that time again! November 17 is National Unfriend Day. Facebook seemed like such a great idea before we knew that our ‘friends’ were obsessed…
Wow, 65! Sign me up! We need a song! Last time we had this much fun with sex we had Mitch Ryder’s “Devil with a…
We need Medical Meth Laws! Come on West Coast, let’s get going, I could use a little pickmeup this morning.
A study from Stanford University shows that human beings are getting dumber! Despite an incredibly stupid growing trend to disbelieve evolution, our brains are devolving…
In Maricopa County news: Holly Solomon claims that she “Feared that Obama’s reelection would bring hardship to her family.” That is why she ran over…
In the prism of her vagina… Single woman, or what Fox News WOMEN infer are baby murdering selfish sluts, voted for Obama over 2 to…