In my day we often did the Keg Tape Shoot. Set it up in the middle of the kitchen, use electrical tape to batten down…
I got called a wussy for not putting this up yesterday. Again a video about the foul dirty truth about Republicans…
The foul dirty truth about Taliban Paul Ryan.
Once again, Chinese women are a jump ahead of world fashionistas. In an effort to retain their pale, porcelain complexions, they appear much…
Drunk and swimming clothesless at religious site in Israel. Kevin Yoder, Christian, clothesless, Tea Party, clothless, Republican, bare ass, Kansas…
Wow. I thought it was really Jan brewer until the camera panned in a bit further. What with Jan Brewer and Todd Akin, Romney and…
I included this because it reminds me of my pal Tex’s old dog Gandalf from way back when we lived in Florida. Gandalf was a…
“Back in my country, my president… he’s trying to pass a gun ban, so he’s staging all of these murders… Aurora, Colorado, all the people…
Model train hobbyists and merchandisers would just naturally not like Barack Obama. Because… Hmmm… Nope, I am not going to be mean to these people.
Oh for Christsake, put a towel down before you sit.
I had to include this because I have been there! Christmas break at college four threw some mattresses in my old VW bus and set…
They need to rename these shows to False Reality for Morons Shows. Not one of them has anything to do with reality as there are…
Wow! Don’t miss this video! Holyhockylockers! It’s like and intellectual South Park meets a morbidly obese ice cream eating a whole! More! More!
This great on many levels. Especially a woman’s shoe on rape produced by a man. Kind of like religion! And the question of having the…