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CEO Jack Welch leads Republicans in the unemployment numbers conspiracy, Hardball

jack welch leads unemployment number conspiracyJack Welch started it. That a corrupt President Obama and his corrupt group of Chicago gangsters got into the Bureau of Labor Statistics to cook the numbers.  Of course it’s the same from Fox News, talk radio, Allen West and John McCain.  What doesn’t belong in that sentence?

When numbers are bad for Obama, Republicans have no trouble with the source, but when they are good, it’s a Chicago Conspiracy. That GOP dishonesty and hypocrisy saturates everything they touch.

The problem is more at the core of GOP ideology than Republicans like to admit. All past indicators show Romney should win this election in a sweep. But something has gone all wrong.  Jack Welch is just another example of what’s really the matter.  Mitt Romney, Jack Welch, the Koch Brothers and those with the money who actually run the RNC live in a different universe than the rest of us. They don’t drive or get gas or buy groceries or even have to go to work like the rest of us do. And Mitt Romney has shown Americans that side of what it means to be one of the  TRICKLE DOWNERS. It is not a pretty picture. He carries only the wealthy and the stupid. Which is about half of us.