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Charlie Shh great idea, Twitter Breaks at movies

Charlie Shh great idea, Twitter Breaks at moviesCharlie has a pretty good idea here giving Twitter breaks in venues that frown on cell phone use, with 5 minutes every half an hour about right, but please Charlie, come up with an answer to so many cell phones held on high at concerts that the stage is no longer visible for most of the show. All taking pictures no one wants to see and even those taking them only look at once if ever.

Also there is the problem of evolution as human chins grow into our necks from looking down all the time. Did you hear that some places are now implanting stop signs into the sidewalks?

Reminds me of a story…

I took the four year old to JUNGLE BOOK last week for cut rate Friday morning matinee. About 50 people spread out in the middle of the theater most all with kids in tow. In front of us and three seats to the left sat a fat old man. When the movie began came the face of an angry tiger full screen.
“It’s a tiger Baba!” She said in a regular voice.
“Shut up!” Said the fat old man turning his angry fat ugly face toward us which was far scarier than that bad tiger. I ignored him.
“You have to whisper at the movies, okay?” I whispered.
“I asked you to shutup!? Said the fat ugly nasty old man.
“Gosh, calm down.” I said in a normal voice in reply.
“Baba, that’s a panther, we saw one at the zoo, remember?” She whispered.
“If you don’t shut that kid up I will have you thrown out!” Said the fat ugly nasty a whole of an old man.
“Get a grip pal.” I didn’t whisper back which shut him up for the rest of the show.

All those within range and aware made eye contact and body language with me in support.

BTW if you never took a toddler to the movies, know that the springs on the seats are stronger than the kid’s weight and they end up in a seat sandwich for two hours. And the bear stole the show. Even watching it not knowing it was Bill Murray.

I have seen this same scenario on flights where kids after sitting for some hours get a bit animated and some nasty a whole makes a big stink. Again you can see all the other passengers in the area of notice sympathizing with the parents and a cold shoulder to the nasty a whole.

So two questions come to mind. Do these nasty a wholes know what nasty a wholes people think they are? And of course, do they care?