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Cherry Picking the Bible to Block Marriage Equality

Quit   Cherry Picking the Bible to Block Marriage Equality

PsychoSuperMom demolishes  hypocrisy with harmony, as she deflates conservative arguments against marriage equality in down home gospel style. It’s time someone told conservatives that they can’t pick and choose from the old and new testaments to justify the laws that frighten them so very much, like marriage equality. This issue terrifies them so much that they claim there is a ‘war on Christianity!’ Furthermore, Christians are ‘being persecuted.’ So, all of you who are living your lives according to your own beliefs, just be aware, you’re making the Christians feel very insecure.

This country is not ruled by a church, but conservatives like to claim the ultimate authority by aligning themselves with the Big Book, and their Christian constituents, who believe we live in a country founded by white Christians, for white Christians – even if we had to commit genocide to claim the land, and enslave others to do the heavy lifting.  Slavery is in the Bible you know. So is stoning for minor offenses and making burned offerings. Don’t even think about going to Quick Trip on the Sabbath. .

Take Ben Carson (please). If he persists in his homophobic blather, doesn’t it seem reasonable that he has to give up his  hot girl on girl ‘film collection?’ Like many red-blooded hypocrites, Carson feels that two men have no business getting any closer than shaking hands, but he’s willing to allow the ladies to get married, just as long as he has video of the honeymoon

Oh… And I don’t want to see our Christian candidates chowing down on bacon, ham or sausages at the next prayer breakfast. Frankly, I don’t want to see them eat at all. Imagine  forbidden shellfish etc. stuck in the beards and long, stringy hair they are never allowed to cut!

While we’re on the topic of food. Do not go through the buffet again, gluttony is punishable by death. That’s right, public stoning!  Michelle Obama’s healthy eating program seems much more reasonable now doesn’t it?!