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College Humor: Google Inventions! Google is Full of Crap


Google is not resting on their dubious laurels. Jake and Amir take us on a tour through Google’s inventions of the future!
Google believes that you need a robot car. Just slide into cruise control, lock in the instant sensors which allegedly keep you a safe distance from other cars, and you’re free to devote quality time to your dashboard computer gizmos and doodads such as Angry Birds, which when combined with your ever-present cell, your undiagnosed Attention Deficit Disorder, movies, GPS and other read-outs you can’t possibly understand, you will ultimately eliminate the pesky annoyance of driving entirely!  Of course there are other inventions, such as hover boards, reality glasses and – you’ve been waiting, Wolverine Clothing!

Motto:  “Google, It’ll Happen – We swear!”
Just disavow yourself of the idea that Google will ever – under any circumstances answer a help request from you, and you’ll be in for great deal less soul-shattering disappointment.

College Humor: Google invents futuristic crap!  Robot cars, hover boards, reality glasses & Wolverine Suits coming soon!