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Creationist Concludes: If Evolution True, Rape Is Okay

Creationist Derek Isaacs Concludes:If Evolution True, Rape Is Okay

Brainbox and scholar, Derek Isaacs shares research on the evils of evolution with his friends on Creation Today.  Isaacs presumes a great many things about evolution for someone who claimed to have read a great deal on the subject.

Said the speedy reader; “If we’re a product of evolution and there is no God , and we’re just here by random, chaotic force. We’re just molecules in motion if you will. How will that impact our lives?”  .A God who can create a world in seven days can’t design an evolutionary system?   This inability to grasp the possibility of both coexisting is  odd, because as you’ll see, our pal Derek has quite the imagination when he gets going.

Anyway, Isaacs was in a hot froth by this time. He may not have read in depth, but key phrases captured his imagination.
“It’s all about the male propogating their DNA. Then it’s the strongest male takes whoever he can to propagate their DNA.”    It’s a pipedream to some, a reality to others – and has nothing to do with a belief in God…In fact, some of the greatest DNA sowers to  have been men of the cloth.

“If evolution is about the man propagating their DNA and applying evolutionary thought to humanity, then it’s basically the strongest male takes whoever he can to propagate the DNA.”. Isaacs continues, “If we believe in evolution, marriage is an anathema.” He has this all worked out, how one studly man is too much good DNA for one woman. Isaacs
imagines a world where  virile men run rampant, knocking up fertile Myrtles – because we can have no morals and are at the mercy of our raging hormones..Openly.  . How he jumped to this conclusion isn’t clear…But he does have a bell-ringer of a conclusion, which tells you where his mind is.

“Well, if evolution is true and it’s just all about the male propagating their DNA, well, we have to ask hard questions like, well, is rape wrong?”