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Daily Show Al Madrigal, moron David Saylors says legalize gun silencers

david saylors gun moronThere you have it! David Saylors, the face of a true moron.  See what gun enthusiasm can do to your brain?  Makes eggs frying in a pan look like an image of good mental health.

Forget that this guy is promoting silencers for criminals and angry gun enthusiast husbands. Just stick with the premise that “gun controls do not work.”  Grab onto the intellect behind that statement.

If gun control laws did not work, why would gun enthusiast care about them?  Gun silencers are against the law and Mr Saylors says they are almost impossible to buy. Mr Saylors is not alone, we hear the same reasoning from the leaders of the NRA and the entire gun enthusiast crowd. That whatever the proposed gun control law may be, the shout comes IT WON’T WORK!  If that were the case why do they bother showing the entire WORLD what boneheads they are?

This is the same intellectual inability that drives the Global Warming Hoax and the Lie of Evolution.  It stems from the belief that if a certain number of people believe some insane crap, then it isn’t crap at all. Much like the only difference between a religion and a cult is how many people happen to believe it.

I have children, and like any sane parent, I want to know who down my street has an armory of guns laying around their house. I would rather have my kids come out of a drug dealer’s or child molester’s house alive than coming out of a gun enthusiasts house in a body bag.

Some may ask what is the connection is of gun enthusiasts and child molesters.  It’s the database argument.
Some may ask what is the connection of gun enthusiasts to fundamentalists. It’s the singular obsession coupled to blind dogma.

Over 3000 gun deaths since Newtown and the only laws passed so far are angry counter gun control laws making guns easier to get for more and more people than ever.

This sound issue also reminds me of my time on the DMZ in Korea. Through my artillery scope on the GP I could see, and target the N.Korean .50 cal atop a pile of some sandbags. I had it honed in to one meter and submitted the target name to Division as “deadsilence”. Because the distance, speed and size of the bullet from a 50 cal means you are dead before you hear it.