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Daily Show, dancing fool Bristol and Sarah Palin Alaska versus Jason Jones New Jersey

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c
Jason Jones’ Bayonne
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Rally to Restore Sanity

As no one else is asking, allow me to be the first. Just who in the Hell is voting for that stupid overweight slutty unwed mother who even Seinfeld’s Elaine could beat in a dance off? Well, whoever they are they must have a collective IQ less than this mornings’ temperature in Fairbanks. 

But but but… Jason Jones can’t see Russia from New Jersey! So unlike Sister Sarah, he has no foreign policy experience! While Sarah Palin has extensive experience as a world traveler. As governor of Alaska she flew to an Air Force base in Kuwait to visit Alaskan soldiers and stopped at another Air Force base in Germany to visit wounded Alaskan soldiers. She has also traveled through Canada and went to Mexico on a vacation once! She is ready, she has the gravitas, but I dunno about that screechy fingernails across the chalkboard voice of hers. I think that may just be the show stopper.