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Daily Show: John Oliver explains Obama’s Gay Marriage politics

61% of North Carolinians voted to change their constitution to read “Marriage between a man and a woman is the only legally recognized domestic union in the state.” This follows two previous laws passed saying the same thing. A tripling down of Southern Christian bigotry enacted n ot only in North Carolina but in most of the old Confederacy.

On the bright side of this issue, even in North Carolina – as it is across the land – the close majority of people are now for allowing gays to marry. Also this one of those elections in the middle of NO TIME, so the small turnout was from the FAITH BASED who very strongly want to send a message to the entire world of what intolerant hillbillies they are. I figure it’s The Shine that does it down here.

The problem with this issue is the politics, here in 2012 it is too close to call. Going for acceptance can swing the vote against Democrats in some close regions and demography’s. But I bet by the 2016 election all Democrat candidates at all levels will publicly accept the ineviatable. And maybe even the GOP!  Well, after Romney losses this time, the GOP will rally round the extreme right. Could be Huckabee and Palin 2016 and lookout!