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Daily Show Kristen Schaal Pees in a jug for Pro Choice Hero Wendy Davis

Kristen Schaal Wendy DavisFunny lady!  The jug is a classic.

Fox News and Mornin’ Joe Scarborough are up in arms about this heroic act by Wendy Davis facing off against White Texas Good Ole Boys. It’s media bias!!!!!  She is no hero, she is an advocate of baby murdering! Media bias! Where is the media when Pro Lifers heroically scream nasty epithets and hold nasty signs pointing at women going to abortion clinics? Where is the media when heroic Pro Lifers in congress do all they can put big government between women and their doctors? Where is the media when heroic Pro Lifers bomb clinics and shoot doctors in the back?

Well it looks like we down here in Dumbutt, Texas finally have a Democrat to run against Pro Life, Pro Gun, Pro Stupid Rick Perry for governor next year.  Wendy Davis is attractive, has big outside money now coming in and is right.  But I have to say that down here in Dumbutt, stupid white guys with guns will be winning the day for quite some time.