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Daily Show Sam Bee Snitches get Stitches, NSA Snowden Whistle blower

sam bee snitchesSnitches get stitches and worse! We called them “Squealers” in my day. Some get kissed by Italian men. Some got a flower stuck in their lapel. But for most stool pigeons things are not so immediately dire, they usually only get the crap beat of them or  just spend the rest of their lives hiding quietly somewhere near Bakersville.  No one likes a squealer, well except Libertarians… Who also like machine guns mounted on their pickup trucks.

Now wait a minute? Isn’t it the hated government who likes snitches?  And pays them and gives them new identities on the other side of the country?

I am trying to come up with some rule about all this.  How about… Don’t be a Snitch. But if snitching is necessary, talk someone else into being the Snitch for you.

I am with the majority of the public on this one. Look at this way.  We put everyone’s phone number in a database. We get Osama Bin Laden’s phone number. We then check the DB to see who he calls. This fighting technology is like beating your head against the wall. Lumps for nothing and the chicks are free.