Guns don’t shoot people, dogs do.
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RJ Adds: Before the gunloons go crazy on this let me beat them to the punch. Brian Williams is no hunter! "Buckshot" means a shotgun shell filled with a few large balls of lead that have far greater range and power and birdshot. Buckshot is called what it is for shooting "bucks", male deer. Oh, and people. Buckshot is twice illegal in a duck blind over water. No lead "shot" is allowed and no buckshot or slugs are allowed. Bird shot comes in sizes from BB to 2 to 8, BB being the largest and 8 being the smallest. BB and 2’s are for goose hunting, 4’s and 6’s for ducks and 7 1/2’s and 8’s for Pheasant, quail, doves and finches.
While I am at this lesson… Shotguns with bird shot have a range of 60 yards. Shotguns with buckshot or slugs have a range of around 100 yards. Rifles have a range of many hundreds of yards, a round can go a mile. A great book on this very subject is DEADEYE DICK by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.