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FCC Tom Wheeler”I’m Not a Dingo” John Oliver Demands Proof! Last Week Tonight

FCC Tom Wheeler"I'm Not a Dingo" John Oliver Demands Proof! Last Week Tonight

I’m announcing the launch of a new movement – Dingo Truthers. In last week’s segment on net neutrality John Oliver said; “tapping John Wheeler  to run the FCC is akin to hiring a dingo as a babysitter.”  There are reasons for concern. Chief are major trust issues, owing in part to Wheeler’s bias, due to his past as a top cable lobbyist. There’s that, and Wheeler’s unfair proposal, which Oliver explained in-depth the week before. Oliver also may have pointed out a passing resemblance between Wheeler and a dingo. We report, you decide.

Oliver ended the segment with a call to arms to Internet trolls, imploring them to “unleash their poorly spelled fury on the FCC’s website.”  They did!  The video has gone  viral, and the FCC has been receiving hundreds of thousands of comments.

During an open FCC meeting Friday, Wheeler was asked whether he had seen the segment. He certainly had! Wheeler allowed that the bit had been ” funny and creative.” There was audible drumming on the podium as Wheeler paused, when he spoke again Wheeler declared,   “I would like to state for the record that I am not a dingo.” He then elaborated very much as a sneaky dingo would while attempting to lower your guard…The better to lull you into trusting him babysit.

Hey – wait a minute!  No one accused Wheeler of being a dingo.
Is it just possible that Wheeler admitted that he is in fact – a dingo, by protesting far too much?! I believe so, and so does John Oliver, who has wisely put the onus on Wheeler to  prove unequivocally that he is not, and never has been, a dingo!  This is an open challenge. Let’s see if Wheeler can produce believable proof.