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Friendswood Texas Principle Robin Lowe Fired for Islam Presentation

Friendswood, Texas is just a few neighborhoods west of here. It was one
of the first communities to make those Illegal No Illegal

Just South of Friendswood and me is Santa Fe, Texas. You may remember Santa Fe as the community which gained national attention a few years ago by defying court orders to not lead Christian prayers through the school address system at their High School football games. Instead of complying, with the help of Falwell, Robertson and such, they brought in hundreds of battery powered blow horns to make their prayers to Jesus bigger and louder which as we all know, Jesus is more apt to hear than any of that lonely now I lay me down to sleep crap.

Not long ago when I was helping the kids set up for a concert at the Santa Fe Community Center I noticed a sign on the bulletin board that read, KKK meetings here second Tuesdays at 7:30pm.

Just above me here I have Pasadena, Texas where it’s okay to shoot unarmed people in the back and where cops can even be seen kicking a Mexican to death and be acquitted. Surrounded as I am by Pasadena, Friendswood, Santa Fe and the dirty but benign Galveston Bay, I often feel that in relative terms, living here in Dumbutt is an almost ivy league endeavor. It makes me feel good about myself, like watching old Jerry Springer reruns. 

So what happened down in Friendswood was that a father complained that his Muslim son was being bullied and physically harassed for being a Muslim. Heck, even Congregationalists and Episcopalians now better than to sound off down here in these parts. The principle of the middle school, Robin Lowe, heard that other schools in the area had the American Islamic Council do an auditorium powerpoint presentation called Islam: Respecting Diversity. A purely fact based presentation.

Friendswood respects many things such as flags and Bibles and wealthy white people, but diversity is not on their list. Let me tell you! Parents complained and it only took a week to have the offending principle removed. As I type you can be sure that their are private discussions of expanding Texas criteria for executions. This same presentation had been given in other schools in Houston and throughout America without incident until it got to Friendswood. Wrong name for that place. Crackerton would be better. Principal has new job after ‘Islam 101’ scandal

We must rememeber when fighting the horror that is the Taliban we must always strive to be as crazy, stupid, intolerant and disgusting as they are. It is the most satisfying aspect of any religion, the fun part which tells us how much more deserving we are than anyone else. Without that what be the point?