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Gay Christian Jay Bakker asks Joel Osteen to Lunch NOPE

Soulforce member Jay Bakker, the punk rock preacher son of Tammy Bakker has been traveling the country asking pastors of the large mega churches to come have lunch to discuss the inclusion of gays into their Christian fold. He was in Houston, Texas this week trying to get the attention of mega Church Pastor Joel Osteen.

Before Jay’s mother Tammy died of cancer last year, she had become a Christian voice in support of gay men and women and also active in Soulforce, the Christian gay organization. Jay who plays in a punk rock band and is covered in tatoos tattoos has committed his ministry to ridding America of the concept of US and THEM.

Bakker and a local mother of a lesbian and member of Osteen’s Lakewood Church went to the Church to make the personal invite and were turned away.

After Lakewood spokesman Donald Ilof explained Pastor Osteen was too busy writing his Sunday Sermon he added, "If we met to talk, would this group be satisfied if we agreed to disagree? Soulforce wants to use Lakewood to further their agenda."

Oh no! Not someone with an agenda! Of course Osteen and every other preacher would never stoop so low as to have an agenda!