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Gay Watch: Jon Stewart makes fool of bigots SC Mayor Earl Bullard and Idaho

If I was writing a fictional story about a Southern bigot, I could not do better coming up with the name Earl Bullard.

Mayor Earl BullardAnother daily dose of American Christian ugliness, intolerance and stupid is as stupid does.

How about we kidnap 300 school girls and sell them off because that’s what God wants.Or blow up a market everyday, or the latest from Saudi Arabia, stoning a women to death for being gang raped. Where would we be without religion?

Who wins this bigotry award?  The mayor who would rather have a drunk than a lesbian take care of children? Or the State of Idaho who will not allow a veteran lesbian to be buried with her partner? Tough call.

One thing is sure though, Mayor Earl Bullard and whoever it is that refused to bury these lesbians together will end up in Hell with the rest of these Christian bigots that swamp American politics.