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Global Warming Hoax, Tom Toles Cartoon

global warming hoax

global warming hoax

The only freedom and liberty Republicans are concerned with have to do with their back pocket and holsters.

The “Global Warming Hoax” and “Evolution is a Lie” crap is far different than the cable TV saturation of all the silliness regards Bigfoot, Ghosts, Ancient Astronauts, Fox News, UFOs, Nessy and so on. In fact these cable TV shows serve two important purposes. The shows help keep all our dull knives – in the drawer and out of trouble for a few hours a day – and more importantly, watching the shows makes the rest of us feel much smarter than we really are.

But when it comes to the same silliness of Global Warming and teaching Creationism in public schools we have the government involved in the silliness. It is dangerous to both sustainable life on this planet and American Christianity’s quest to dumb down our kids to such a degree that they will accept their ignorant, intolerant bigoted crap WITHOUT THINKING. That is the key to religious indoctrination, WITHOUT THINKING.

Though both processes are laughable, it is no joke. They are the same issues of putting the government between individuals and abortion, contraception, sex education, public health, forced prayer and so on. All of which REMOVES and TAKES AWAY freedom, liberty and free choice.