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God Fearing Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick tops the Ugly Republican Base on Dallas

Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick

Does right-wing talk show host, right-wing talk show station owner, millionaire and rabid pro life evangelical fundamentalist  Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick look like a snot nosed elitist with a stick up his ass looking down on the rest us? If not, you are the problem.

“Too many in the general public who aren’t criminals but have a big mouth are creating situations like we saw last night, all those protesters last night, they ran the other way expecting the men and women in blue to turn around and protect them—what hypocrites! I do blame people on social media with their hatred toward police, I do blame former Black Lives Matter protests.” Texas Lt Governor Dan Patrick July 8th 2016.

When I added that quote to a article the other day I did not know it would play round the world, after all it is the natural stoking of the ugly Republican Base, and Dan Patrick has been doing just that for his entire life, made him very rich and powerful in fact. He has eyes beyond Texas Governor on his way to the White House.

But as a Texan I have to say a few things in his defense.

Knowing his words would be heard outside Texas and the old Confederacy, Patrick used the word “hypocrites” instead of “cowards” and “Black Lives Matter” rather than “nwords.”

Dan Patrick has not been indicted for numerous felonies as has Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Dan Patrick did not use over a thousand dollars in taxpayer money to go to Oklahoma to get the “Jesus Shot” which absolves one from all disease for life as did Texas State Agricultural  Commissioner Sid Miller.

And Dan Patrick did not openly campaign with Ted Nugent nor does he have a handgun and rifle holster built into his wheelchair as does Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

So by Texas standards Dan Patrick is okay. Oh he also won the Republican Runoff against incumbent Republican David Dewhurst by 30 points and the general election against Leticia Van de Putte by 20 points.  I would guess he got about 90% of the Texas White Vote.