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Governor Brownback takes Kansas to OZ

Sam Brownback ruins kansasWhile we are so consumed by one small issue of Republican bigotry in Indiana, Kansas Evangelical Christian Governor Brownback has taken his state back two centuries on most every issue.

Governor Brownback signed legislation to eliminate all training to carry concealed weapons – or in fact even any need for a permit at all – while those who do our nails in Kansas are required 1000 hours of training to get a permit. But that is just the tip of the poopburg this guy has done to Kansas. After reducing taxes so much that the state could no longer function even Republicans tried to take him out last election, they failed.

Now Brownbeck and the Republicans in Kansas – after taking away as much help and serices as they could from the poor, they are now intent on shamming them further with big Republican government regulation and intrusion into their personal lives, even having the government decide what they can and cannot eat or drink – while they scream about small government and no regulations for the wealthy. In step with the NRA Jesus of our heartland.

There is nothing new in the point Jon Stewart makes here concerning the hypocrisy in all the Republican keywords whether it be FREEDOM, LIBERTY, SMALL GOVERNMENT, DEATH TAX, THE CONSTITUTION, ENTITLEMENTS, SPECIAL INTERESTS and so on.  It’s all just small words for small minds to make their base feel good about their callous, intolerant nasty nature.