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Guns, What would Jesus carry? Streeter Cartoon

Guns, What would Jesus carry

It’s worse than a dirty joke.  When deciding which make and model of gun or guns Jesus would be carrying when he goes out to shout hate filled slogans at already emotionally disturbed women at abortion centers, keep in mind just how much weaponry a Godman can hide underneath a full length gown. He could even have one of those .50 caliber sniper rifles that can hit a target more than a mile away strapped to his body. Not to mention all the bandoleers and 100 round clips for his assault rifle and 9mm pistol and of course his Jesus Loves Clint Eastwood .44 magnum.

All Republican US Senators and 10 Democratic US Senators cannot even admit that 33,000 gun deaths a year is a health issue for fear the NRA will have them thrown out of office.

NRA, as bad as it gets