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Impeach Obama

impeach obama

The picture here is a facsimile.
I ran into this twice yesterday down here in Dumbutt, Texas. First when I went to the county courthouse to renew my license plates. The same Hitler Obama sign you see here was an inch away from the sidewalk I had to pass by to enter the courthouse. The information table also had a large banner above it IMPEACH OBAMA. The man and the woman running the show seemed to be in their 50s. I asked where they came from and the gave me a booklet, Lyndon La Rouche. So it was indeed from Mordor as I expected.

I asked them what the grounds for impeachment were. They told me first about the Obamacare death panels no different than they  had at Auschwitz and his unconstitutional lawless fascist use of executive orders.  When I mentioned that both Ronald Reagan and W Bush had used more executive orders than President Obama they turned away realizing I was too smart to play.

As I drove to the Post Office I became angry that those big Hitler/Obama posters were an inch away from the sidewalk I had to traverse to get my plates or for some their voter registration. Many of the people going in and out had children in tow.

As I pulled up to the post office there it was again. This time ON the public sidewalk in front of the post office. A twenty something couple had a table where I saw no reference to Lyndon La Rouche. One of the two four foot high Obama / Hitler signs said IMPEACH THE BASTARD. As there was no meat between the sidewalk and street, I pulled up in the car and gave a thumbs up while I rolled down the passenger window. This got them both smiling and leaning  into the car.  Instead of powering up the window to lock their heads in the car and floor it, I instead said..

You know, you can’t impeach the president just for being smarter than you are.

The good news was that the six or seven people waiting in line inside the post office where all engaged in head shaking disbelief at the nitwits outside. This being an area where Obama lost by more than 20 points, I assume that either Republicans don’t actually go into post offices anymore or when they are face to face with strangers they pretend they are more human than they really are.