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Iraq Jurassic Park 2015

Iraq Jurassic Park

I was watching Game of Thrones the other day taking notice of the imagery of having a family “flayed alive”, I sure hope ISIS does not have HBO GO and takes inspiration to grab one of our new 450 American troops to skin alive on video to get our dander up. I would guess that would end in the realm of nuclear dander.

Why are we involved in this sectarian violence, RELIGIOUS WAR in the Middle East? Sectarian violence my ass. Why not let the Hindus or the Buddhists take care of it this time ’round? Why always the Christians? And where are the Jews? They haven’t done jackpoop you know. Well other than lobby us to do their dying for them while they build more and more settlements just to phis everyone off even more which we get the blame for.

I am glad the time of political correctness is over, I have been meaning to blame the Jews for all this crap going on in the Middle East for quite some time now. And I am happy about feeling free enough to call Republicans the white trash hillbilly snake handling retard crackers they are. Thank you Jerry Seinfeld!  Oops, I forgot to mention House Negro, Oreo and Uncle Slappy Clarence Thomas. Yippee!  I am so glad conservatives finally won their PC battle and we can now let the bigoted peckerwoods have it verbally! Hear! Here! Did I forget to mention Sarah Palin’s retarded children? Sorry. It is so good to finally live free in this war of words.