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Is Goofy Gay?

Ever give much thought to most every cartoon shorts character being gay?  How about the Family Values presented in 80 years of cartoon shorts from all animated producers?

Mickey and Minnie have been fooling around now for 80 years and haven’t got married, same goes for Donald and Daisy.

And what about Goofy? I can’t recall him ever having a girlfriend. But then again, we are talking about a mouse, a duck and a… I suppose it isn’t all that clear just what Goofy is, a dog I guess, but as his name does not include his species as the others do (and he can talk and Pluto can’t) it’s hard for cartoon audiences to know for sure.

But this historic lack of family values cannot be laid only at the feet of Disney animators. Both Tom and Jerry have been single males for 50 years. Popeye has been doing Olive Oil unmarried for 80 years. How about Bugs Bunny? Does he even have a girl friend. How about Elmer Fudd, Porky Pig and Daffy Duck? All single males for 50 years. Wiley Coyote and the Road Runner also single males.

In fact I cannot come up with one cartoon short star who was female, married or had children. Well there was Betty Boop, a hot single half clothless flapper who hung out with old white men and black musicians.


Single male cartoon characters over 50 with no children:
Bugs Bunny
Micky Mouse
Donald Duck
Tom and Jerry
Daffy Duck
Elmer Fudd
Porky Pig
Rush Limbaugh