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Is that guy wandering around in public with an assault rifle a good guy or a bad guy? Sorensen cartoon

guns in stores sorensen cartoon

Anyone wandering around in public with an assault rifle is a bad guy.

Bottom line on this one is to call the police who should arrive on the scene and do what they do best, shoot first and ask questions later. Which no matter the intentions of the who of it, will make the world a better and safer place to live for the rest of us. Sure they may get suspended, maybe even suspended without pay! But as it always does, it will turn out fine for the police.

Remember as Ted Nugent says, “If you come on my property I will kill you.”  Oops that was the wrong quote… As Ted Nugent says, “I shoot cats and dogs on my property to keep us safe from our American epidemic of distemper and rabies.”  No, that's not the one…  As Ted Nugent says, “If Obama wins this election I will be dead or in jail by this time next year. [April 2013]” Ah, that's not it either. Well to hell with Ted Nugent…

As this gun debate goes on I notice that  many states, almost all of which take more from the Federal Government than they pay into it, are passing laws right and right expanding gun sales, gun use, gun carry and even usurping federal law by not only state laws but counties as well.  It makes me wonder if there is not some constitutional process to force secession upon a state. You know, GET OUT OF HERE YOU VIOLENT CRAZY MOOCHERS! Hit the road you violent sucking parasites! Go join up with those gun crazy Middle East and North African theocracies where you belong. Oh… LOVE IT OR LEAVE IT!
