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Jerry Brown Calls Presidential Candidate Ted Cruz unfit to serve

ted cruz for presidentIt’s official, Ted Cruz is the first Republican to become an official candidate for President of the United States, though according to California Governor Jerry Brown and most everyone else he is a lying sack of crap and unfit to serve in any capacity. He is a little different than most candidates as he is a smart person who stupid people like. You know, as opposed to George W. Bush, Scott Walker and Sarah Palin who are stupid people stupid people like.

Down here in Dumbutt the Johnson Space Center and it’s contractors is the biggest employer which Senator Ted Cruz now oversees from his Senate panel. His first order of business is to put a halt to any more NASA science on climate change. NASA has around 25 satellites up and about recording data on the Earth, all of which contrary to Ted Cruz, points to a man made disruption of the Earth’s climate due to greenhouse gases.

This idea of stopping medical and scientific data that Republican’s don’t like hearing is nothing new. In the 1990’s the GOP did the same thing for the NRA lobby to make it illegal for agencies, hospitals, the CDC and so forth from recording and centralizing data on gun violence and gun deaths. Hey what you don’t know can’t hurt you.  Ignorance is bliss. Smart people don’t know nothing.

I have to admit I was wrong about Ted Cruz. I did not see him running for president which put a damper in what I expected to be his push to impeach the President by this time.

But like him or not he is the candidate with the most charisma dripping in Right-wing swill making it hard to imagine anyone else winning either the Iowa caucuses or the South Carolina primary. Getting off to a good start like that may just win him the nomination like Barry Goldwater did in 1964. We can only hope.