‘Happy Hour’ reports that the GOP still hates science. Cocktails cannot blur the grim realization that in just two terms of George Bush it has become political suicide to profess a belief in science, and a ‘must’ to disavow all scientific theory in favor of Creationism. Obviously Jon Huntsman lost his head when he confessed that he personally believed in evolution and global warming – cue the canned audience laughter. If he had to profess a belief in science, he would have done well to stick with the tried and true. Huntsman could have slipped by with a belief in the law of gravity and in electricity – but not in the form of those new fangled light bulbs with the little pig tail on them – which getting rid of is Michele Bachmann’s only sponsored legislation.
In other news, a woman reaches for her 15 minutes of fame. Has she never seen the movie "What’s Eating Gilbert Grape?"
A sleazy Bank of America lounge lizard hits on Governor Rick Perry. Too bad Bank of America doesn’t "Have your back" if your a regular customer.