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Jon Stewart, equating Gay marriage to bigotry

“Shutup, so when gays want equality it’s militancy when Christians want to deny service it’s freedom,” Jon Stewart to White Gravy Christian Mike Huckabee who does not only represent Memories Pizza but 40% of Americans who all seem to live where the emptiness is.

Indiana sodomy with jon StewartJon Stewart does as well as can be done on the issue that refusing to cater a gay wedding is the same as refusing to cater Westboro Baptist, the KKK and the Nazis.

The real issue here is that every mainstream TV host and newspaper should do the same every time this onerous crap comes up. Why will only Jon Stewart say,


Why. Because the mainstream media does not want to lose ever more share to FOX NEWS than they already have. For I am sure you have heard that more Americans believe what FOX NEWS has to say about climate change than what the President says about climate change.

I dare you to spend a couple hours one morning watching Fox & Friends and see for yourself how a cable news network panders the stupid to the stupid. I did it yesterday and was treated to a long set of Elisabeth Hasselbeck, Steve Doocy & Brian Kilmeade cooking casseroles with Phil Robertson’s significant other Miss Kay.  I assume she isn’t married? The show is simply amazing, a 2 hour long Monty Python sketch of the Silly Party.

And today our guest will be Bim Bam Long Bill Potty Water Billy Oven Comfy Chair Hoo Hoo Booger Pee Pee McGork! The 2nd. The clown car runneth over .